Thursday, November 22, 2007 |
A Complete Set Of Mountain Bike Accessories Can End Up Costing As Much As A Bike |
Mountain biking requires having the expertise and proper biking equipment if you want to experience the best from this very demanding activity. The range of mountain bike accessories available today is simply astounding, and buying different items of mountain bike accessories can end up costing you as much as you paid for the bike itself. However, you should be discerning in your purchases and learn to differentiate between those that are mere gimmicks and the ones that you really can’t do without, and opt only for those which will help enhance your mountain biking experience. Some Accessories Are Absolutely Essential As any seasoned mountain biker will attest, certain mountain bike accessories are absolutely essential and just can’t be done without. You would indeed be very foolish to venture out mountain biking without donning a helmet. This is a very obvious mountain bike accessory that you can ill afford to do without. Falling off your mountain bikes is very common and helmets will provide just the right protection from serious injuries. Going over rough terrain can severely impact your body and cause you a lot of hardship. Thus, you would be in need of another mountain bike accessory in the form of a good pair of cycle shorts that are helpful because they can absorb much of the shocks you will be made to feel while mountain biking. And, in a similar vein, you would be well advised to use a pair of gloves, which are often overlooked, but which can also absorb quite a bit of the shocks you will feel while holding on to the handlebars. Just like falling off a mountain bike is quite common, so too is the risk of the bikes breaking down when you least want them to. You would thus need another of the essential mountain bike accessories in the form of a good repair kit that can often prove its worth as a lifesaver in times of extreme difficulty. Included in the repair kit should be items such as a puncture repair kit, Allen key, screwdriver, pump, and maybe even a spoke tool, spanners, a bottom bracket tool and finally, some lubricant. You would also need mountain bike accessories in the form of cleaning equipment that are very useful in cleaning the dirt off the bike, especially as mountain biking will certainly cause your bike to become quite dirty. Also included in your mountain bike accessories list should be bike bottles and cages, cycle lights, and a lock. Powered by ScribeFire. |
posted by Smile @ 7:31 PM   |
Monday, November 19, 2007 |
Making Your Own Motorized Mountain Bike |
Mountain biking is a sport that requires above average stamina and agility. The sport is tough and challenging, but the reward is sweet satisfaction. When the trip is over, you feel good and energized just like after a heart thundering work out. But, there’s always a little part of you who wishes this mountain biking sport could be a little easier on you sometimes, right? Well, maybe not everyone feels this way but if you are one who does, why not make yourself a motorized mountain bike? You’ll still have much of the same experience on a motorized mountain bike as you would on a regular one, you’d just have a little extra help on the hard parts, say like going up steep hills! My oh my, the sweet feeling of offering a little support to those leg muscles once in awhile sounds so nice. But what if you don’t know how to make yourself a motorized mountain bike? Not to worry, because it’s easier than you think. The Simple Steps to Some Leg Relief The first thing you’ll want to do is realize that although having a motorized mountain bike will increase the distance and rough terrain you can travel, it’s not going to offer you the pleasure of doing no work at all. Because of this, don’t expect to travel too much further than you already do. You’re going to want to look for a motor with mounting kit, which can run you anywhere between $500 and $800. You’ll want to find an engine size that’s between 25cc and 49cc and some of the best manufacturers to purchase from are: Mitsubishi Honda Komatsu You can find many engines made specifically for bikes, making for an easy installation and navigation when in use. Once you’ve got the engine, you simply follow the directions for installation and you’re set! The process will probably take a few hours, but don’t expect it to take much longer than that. Where to Find One When looking for a motor to install on your soon to be motorized mountain bike, make sure to check all options available. This means not only going to the local stores around you, but calling stores in neighboring cities and as far out as you’re ready to travel, in order to see what options those stores may have available. Don’t forget to check online at the reputable discount websites, including eBay. Be careful when purchasing online and remember to do your homework, but when done correctly a lot of money can be saved from purchasing products over the Internet. Powered by ScribeFire. |
posted by Smile @ 6:51 PM   |
Sunday, November 18, 2007 |
A Good Mountain Bike Is A Major Investment |
A mountain bike is perhaps the most important investment you will be making when thinking about hurtling down the slopes of a mountain biking trail. The mountain bike is really a specialized bike whose design caters to the various needs of bikers for use on dirt trails or unpaved surfaces. It is common to find wide and knobby tires on a mountain bike that make for added traction and good shock absorption for the rough ride the bike is subjected to while mountain biking. Front Wheel Suspension Is Becoming Standard Equipment Today Of late, even the front wheel suspension has become standard equipment and having both rear and front suspension is finding wider application in mountain bikes today. There are also some of these bikes that come equipped with bar ends on the handlebars, though riser handlebars are very popular as well. The diameter of the wheels on these bikes is a little over two feet, though a bit larger wheels are also becoming common. There are broadly speaking four different categories of mountain bikes including fully rigid, hardtail, and soft tail and dual or full suspension. The fully rigid bikes have a frame with a rigid fork as well as a fixed rear and come without suspension. The hardtail too does not have rear suspension though they do have a front suspension. The soft tail comes with a frame having limited rear suspension and is activated with the help of flex of the frame rather than using pivots. The full suspension or dual bikes have a front suspension fork as well as rear suspension and it also uses pivots for moving the rear wheels. Essentially, the design of the mountain bike depends on the type of terrain it is going to be used on, and it is usual to find bikes that are meant for cross country (XC), endure/all mountains (AM), freeride (FR), downhill (DH), trial, dirt jumping - urban and street, single speed, mountain cross or “4-cross racing” (4X) and north shore usage. Of late, mountain biking is becoming a mainstream activity and the riding styles are becoming increasingly more aggressive, which means having newer frames that are of better design, lighter and also much stronger than earlier ones and they also have a geometry to facilitate overcoming obstacles. Today’s mountain bikes are available in 21, 24, 27 speeds along with three gears towards the front while there may be 7, 8 and 9 gears on the back wheel. Powered by ScribeFire. |
posted by Smile @ 7:41 PM   |
Saturday, November 17, 2007 |
Three Components Making Up The History Of Mountain Biking |
It has been correctly said that necessity is the mother of invention. When delving into the history of mountain biking this necessity is clearly seen through the three components that elevated mountain biking into a popular, fun and competitive sport. Those three specific components that capture the history of mountain biking are the people who fulfilled their passion, the geographical area involved and the construction of the mountain bike. The People The history of mountain biking began in the late 1960s when a couple of San Franciscans grew weary of the hectic lifestyle that San Francisco represented. Their disenchantment of city life led them to Marin County where life was more bearable with a less hectic lifestyle. In addition, Marin County was less urbanized. Eventually, their love for bicycling coupled with the mountainous terrain led to competitive bike races. These bike races were conducted over a 3 mile fire trail in the city of Fairfax. Eventually other bikers joined in the competition with the hopes of breaking the record that had been set for this race. Included in the track was a downward slope extending over 1600 feet. Eventually the word spread about the competition and enjoyment of this activity, but due to the possible dangers of the race it needed to be eventually canceled. This was due to the inability of the racers to comply with insurance requirements. The Geographical Area However, this type of bicycle racing continued in popularity. Eventually the birthplace of modern-day mountain biking was established with the honor of being the birthplace of mountain biking going to Mount Tamalpais in California. At first, on Mount Tam, the bicyclists would race down the mount and transport the bicycles to the top of the mountain using other methods of transportation. Eventually however, the history of mountain biking included not only the downhill aspect of racing, but utilizing the mountain bike to scale the mountain and beyond. The Equipment The history of mountain biking also includes the metamorphoses of the bicycle. It was here at this mount that bicycles began to take on their present look including the use of the balloon tires. Other modifications of an ordinary bike began to appear in response to certain safety elements that needed to be addressed. One of those modifications was the replacement of the typical breaking mechanism found on an ordinary bike. This modification included the use of cantilever breaks which were lighter and much stronger. Obviously, this strength was needed to stop the bicycle quickly when scaling various heights and traveling over treacherous terrain. One other modification was the addition of additional gears that were made available for the biker. These gears were necessary in order for the riders to better scale the various heights of the mountains and hills that were utilized for mountain biking. Technorati Tags: History Of Mountain BikingPowered by ScribeFire. |
posted by Smile @ 2:46 PM   |
Wednesday, November 14, 2007 |
Is it Natural, or Can You Learn How to Mountain Bike? |
Mountain biking is a sport that takes patience to get good, a tough mindset for the falls, and a pocketbook that can deal with buying a new mountain bike. If you’re someone that has all of these components and are interested in mountain biking, it may be the right hobby for you. However, many people interested in mountain biking are afraid to invest in a bike only to find out they can’t even mountain bike! The question of whether or not learning how to mountain bike is possible without having a natural talent for it is a good one. After all, nothing would be more frustrating than to find out that you can’t be taught how to effectively mountain bike. It’s Possible to Learn As long as you understand before beginning to learn how to mountain bike that it’s tough and takes hard work, you can’t fail. As they always say, practice makes perfect so as long as you have the time to put into practicing, knowing how to mountain bike is just around the corner. You can teach yourself by starting on hills and working your way up, but if you want to learn how to mountain bike like the best, you’re probably better off hiring someone qualified to teach you. Find the Right Teacher When looking for someone to teach you how to mountain bike, it’s important to know exactly what you expect of the teaching sessions you pay for. You’ll want to make a list of questions to ask potential teachers, including what you can expect to learn and how many lessons you can expect to have. You’ll also want to find out what is required of you to have for your lessons, whether just a mountain bike is needed or if other gear is necessary. A good place to search for someone to teach you how to mountain bike is by going to your local community center. The center should be able to let you know whether anyone qualified donates their time there, and is available for personal lessons. If anything, by asking around you’re sure to receive some recommendations that will fulfill what you’re looking for. Word of mouth is the best form of advertising for a reason, because people tend not to recommend services, products and people that they aren’t satisfied with themselves. Powered by ScribeFire. |
posted by Smile @ 10:07 PM   |
Tuesday, November 13, 2007 |
The Importance of Mountain Bike Clothing |
Although surprisingly enough not many people realize it, mountain bike clothing is actually one of the most major and important aspects of all when it comes to mountain biking. After all, only with the right clothing will you be able to enjoy the safest and most comfortable ride possible. What Mountain Bike Clothing do you Need? Although you can of course buy as many pieces of mountain bike clothing as you want, there are definitely a few basics in particular that any mountain biker needs to have in their closet. The first is bike shorts. Shorts are good because then you do not have to worry about them getting caught up in your gears and wheels, and as well they will help to keep you cool while you are riding. You are also going to need some t-shirts or tank tops, typically something that is light and breathable, especially if the weather is warmer out and you want to stay cool. A hat is another great piece of mountain bike clothing and, although this is one of the more optional ones, you certainly are going to want to protect your head if you are going mountain biking, especially if it is bright and sunny out and you are going for a long ride. You are also going to want to get the proper shoes, as the shoes that you wear are greatly going to affect your overall ride. You need shoes that are light but which cover your entire foot (sandals and similar type shoes are not appropriate), and you also want to make sure that they are padded and as comfortable as possible so that your feet do not swell or become sore while you are riding. A helmet is considered as being the most important piece of mountain bike clothing of all, although it is also classified as being ‘mountain bike equipment’. Either way, your helmet is the one item that is going to be most likely to save your life if something unfortunate were to happen out on a ride, and so regardless of how old you are or how experienced of a rider you are, you still are going to want to make sure that you wear a helmet each and every time you ride, regardless of whether it is down the street to the store or across the country. You really do not have to spend a whole lot of time and money on finding and purchasing the right clothing for your mountain biking needs, and all the time and effort that you put into it will be well worth it in the end anyways, as you will be able to have more fun, and be more comfortable on your rides and adventures. Powered by ScribeFire. |
posted by Smile @ 10:43 PM   |
Monday, November 12, 2007 |
A Guide to Extreme Mountain Biking |
Surely you have heard of mountain biking, but extreme mountain biking is a relatively new, more intense form of mountain biking that is gaining popularity quickly. Basically extreme mountain biking is just like regular mountain biking only you go up higher, steeper and tougher hills and over rougher terrain. It is definitely harder on the body, and so you need to be in shape if you want to do this extreme sport, that’s for sure.
What you Need
If you are interested in trying out the extreme mountain biking for yourself, then there are a few pieces of equipment that you will need to get first. The most important thing of all, of course, is your bike. Depending on just how rough and rugged the terrain is that you are going to be riding over, you will want to get an appropriate bike, and you should know before you go into it that mountain bikes can be quite expensive, so unless you are planning on buying one used, and this is not typically a good idea, then you will want to have a bit of money saved up.
Another important piece of equipment that you will need for extreme mountain biking is a helmet. Because it is so extreme and potentially dangerous, you really need to make sure that you get a thick and sturdy helmet, so if you do fall down you will be protected. A helmet is really what can keep you alive in this dangerous sport, and no matter how experienced you are, you still need one.
Proper clothing is also incredibly important for the extreme mountain biking, and this is because this is a sport which absolutely demands comfortable clothing. There is clothing which is specifically designed for mountain biking and the differences between mountain biking clothing and another biking apparel is quite apparent, as mountain biking apparel is usually looser and made of a thinner fabric.
Getting Prepared
Even though you may have all of your equipment ready to go for your extreme mountain biking adventure, you still need to make sure that you are prepared physically. This means working out and strengthening and toning your body before heading out, so that you will not get out there only to overwork your body and have problems.
This is definitely an extreme sport but one that is also incredibly rewarding. Not only is it a total workout for your entire body, but as well you can have a lot of fun and really enjoy yourself while doing it.
Powered by ScribeFire. |
posted by Smile @ 9:40 PM   |
Sunday, November 11, 2007 |
Two Or One: Dual-Suspension Mountain Bike |
It wasn’t too long ago that bicycles were simple modes of transportation used by children to travel in their neighborhoods. However, today bicycles are not just used by children, but by adults and for a variety of reasons.
Generally, early day bikes were constructed using two wheels, pedals, gears connected by a chain, seat, handlebars, etc. However, depending upon the need of the individual, there are many modifications available to bicycle enthusiasts. Bicycles can be used for touring, racing, vigorous exercising, etc.
One additional sporting activity that utilizes a ruggedly constructed bicycle is mountain biking. Typically a mountain bike is made from a heavily constructed frame, equipped with multiple gears, special brakes and fatter wheels.
Another unique feature found on mountain bikes is suspension equipment. Before purchasing a mountain bike it is important to understand the advantages of having bicycles with built-in suspension and the difference between a single and a dual- suspension mountain bike.
Advantages Of Suspension Built Bikes
Before considering the purchase of a dual-suspension mountain bike or one with single suspension, it is important to understand the advantages that suspension equipment brings. Understanding those advantages will help the customer in purchasing the right bike to meet the safety needs of the biker.
The purpose of suspension equipment being built on to mountain bikes offers a number of safety factors. The first factor is that the wheel remains in contact with the ground through a quality suspension feature. This is due to the fact that the spring mechanism moves up and down. This increased traction allows for the biker to travel faster, maintain control and provide an added safety feature.
Another advantage of adding suspension is that it provides less wear and tear on the biker. This is because the suspension feature found on a mountain bike acts as a shock absorber. This shock absorbing feature absorbs more of the punishment rather than the shock being transferred to the biker's body.
Single Suspension
When considering the purchase of a mountain bike with suspension, the next decision is whether to purchase a dual-suspension mountain bike or a single suspension mountain bike. The obvious major difference between a single suspension and dual-suspension mountain bike is the number of suspension devices located on the bike.
Typically, a single suspension mountain bike is lighter and slightly more efficient. This is because the single suspension is only located on the front of the bike. The single suspension bike is easier to maintain and less expensive. However, being only a single suspension unit, the absorption of shock incurred is less.
Dual Suspension
However, a dual-suspension mountain bike has become more popular. This is due to the fact that modifications have been made with this system to minimize the loss of mobility and speed due to the added weight of the system. Also, with a dual-suspension mountain bike there is a substantial difference in the traction afforded to the rear wheel which adds to the enjoyment or competitive edge of mountain biking.
In addition, there is more shock absorption afforded to the rider. This not only produces less wear and tear on the biker, but helps to conserve the individual’s strength.
Powered by ScribeFire. |
posted by Smile @ 8:21 PM   |
Saturday, November 10, 2007 |
Downhill Mountain Biking: A Sport For Daredevils? |
What began as a very ordinary activity has now been transformed into a very challenging activity that has even led to it being classified as an extreme sport. Mountain biking today means having special skills and it has a following of its own since it gives the biker a real adrenaline buzz when he or she undertakes the different maneuvers. This sporting activity is thus becoming increasingly more popular, and more and more people are becoming attracted to it.
Much Like Snow Skiing
And, the most popular of all forms of mountain biking is without a doubt the activity of downhill mountain biking. It is much like what a snow skier performs on the icy slopes of a mountain, though in this case you will see the biker going downhill with the wheels getting airborne more often than not. For most bikers, the very thought of performing downhill mountain biking is enough to get them excited, and the actual experience is certainly thrilling.
A Dangerous Sport
You should not confuse downhill mountain biking with ordinary standard biking and think it to be nothing more than biking on rolling hills. It is not the same as cross-country biking either, though some amount of downhill biking may be involved. The activity of downhill mountain biking requires the biker to use the mountain bike that has special rear and front suspension that can handle the high amount of stress that mountainous terrains cause to the bike. You will also find that the downhill bikes are heavier than normal bikes as the frames are stronger. An average mountain bike should weigh between eighty to hundred kilos.
Another aspect to downhill mountain biking is the lack of any need to pedal as once the biker has been transported to the top of the mountain, they will need all of their physical strength and prowess to come down the mountain, as the whole activity demands a lot and is also quite dangerous. It should thus not be practiced until all safety measures have been taken to ensure the safety of the biker.
The courses used for downhill mountain biking are very steep and are also treacherous and it is normal to find jumps that extend to forty feet. Most bikers find downhill mountain biking to be very attractive because of the challenges it poses and they are known to pay scant respect to the risks involved. The harder the course, the more attracted the bikers are, though being fully protected is a must for even the best and most experienced biker. Thus, he or she should don a helmet and have protection for the elbows, knees and also use a full body suit and as well as goggles.
Technorati Tags: Mountain Biking, BikingPowered by ScribeFire. Labels: Biking, Mountain Biking |
posted by Smile @ 3:20 PM   |
Friday, November 9, 2007 |
Mountain Bike Tours Are Gaining In Popularity By The Day |
The popularity of mountain biking is so great today that it means that you can easily find mountain bike tours in all parts of the world, and taking one that is well organized will be welcome for a number of good reasons. To begin with, you get the opportunity to go and see different places like never before, and the exercise and adventure that you get to experience is not only fun to do, but also very enervating. Have Adequate Supplies On Hand
Mountain bike tours basically require that you have adequate supplies on hand so that you have all that is necessary to make your bike riding as much fun as possible. Most mountain bike tour operators will have all the information that you need available, and they will also provide you with a bike as well as helmet to further your enjoyment of the sport.
Before selecting a particular mountain bike tour, you must check out the different sights offered and the tour should take into consideration the skill level of the bikers. These tours are a great way of having an enthralling adventure and they help you concentrate on the task on hand while allowing you to forget all of your problems. You will be faced with a number of different options that include day and overnight trips and there are also different sceneries to consider that range from idyllic countryside to forests and complete wilderness. You can ask your guide for more information, who will be able to guide you to the most appealing ones.
Once you begin your mountain bike tour, you will immediately notice that it is so appealing that you will get hooked to it for life, and will find yourself planning for the next tour. Of course, with experience you will realize that the mountain bike tours require a great deal of planning ahead, and these tours are available to people of different levels of skill, and the time periods and scenery also changes from one place to another. Sightseeing from atop a mountain bike is certainly a very unique experience, and you will find yourself viewing things from a completely different and unique perspective.
There are many exciting mountain bike tours available like maybe going to Italy to tour Tuscany and Florence, or a trip to the Costa Brava in Spain. Simply trying out the mountains of Colorado and Vermont would be well worth checking out.
Technorati Tags: Mountain Bike, Mountain Bike ToursLabels: Mountain Bike, Tours |
posted by Smile @ 11:40 PM   |
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